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* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
* use without further testing or modification.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors<72>
* relevant copyright in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef lpc8xx_SPI_H_
#define lpc8xx_SPI_H_
#include "LPC8xx.h"
#include "swm.h"
#define SPI_FLASH_CS1() (LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[0] = 1<<P0_16) /* Use for LPC804 */
#define SPI_FLASH_CS0() (LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[0] = 1<<P0_16) /* Use for LPC804 */
#define DATA_WIDTH 8
#define DUMMY_BYTE 0x55
#define BUFFER_SIZE 64
#define LPC_SPI0BAUDRate 500000
#define SPI_CFG_ENABLE (1 << 0)
#define SPI_CFG_MASTER (1 << 2)
#define SPI_CFG_SLAVE (0 << 2)
#define SPI_CFG_LSBF (1 << 3)
#define SPI_CFG_CPHA (1 << 4)
#define SPI_CFG_CPOL (1 << 5)
#define SPI_CFG_MOSIDRV (1 << 6)
#define SPI_CFG_LOOPBACK (1 << 7)
#define SPI_CFG_SPOL (1<<8)
//#define SPI_CFG_SPOL(s) (1 << (8 + s))
#define SPI_DLY_PREDELAY(d) ((d) << 0)
#define SPI_DLY_POSTDELAY(d) ((d) << 4)
#define SPI_DLY_FRAMEDELAY(d) ((d) << 8)
#define SPI_DLY_INTERDELAY(d) ((d) << 12)
#define SPI_STAT_RXRDY (1 << 0)
#define SPI_STAT_TXRDY (1 << 1)
#define SPI_STAT_RXOVERRUN (1 << 2)
#define SPI_STAT_TXUNDERRUN (1 << 3)
#define SPI_STAT_SELNASSERT (1 << 4)
#define SPI_STAT_SELNDEASSERT (1 << 5)
#define SPI_STAT_CLKSTALL (1 << 6)
#define SPI_STAT_ET (1 << 7)
#define SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE (1<<8)
#define SPI_RXRDYEN (1<<0)
#define SPI_TXRDYEN (1<<1)
#define SPI_RXOVEN (1<<2)
#define SPI_TXUREN (1<<3)
#define SPI_SSAEN (1<<4)
#define SPI_SSDEN (1<<5)
#define SPI_RXRDY (1<<0)
#define SPI_TXRDY (1<<1)
#define SPI_RXOV (1<<2)
#define SPI_TXUR (1<<3)
#define SPI_SSA (1<<4)
#define SPI_SSD (1<<5)
#define SPI_CTL_TXSSELN (1<<16)
#define SPI_CTL_EOT (1<<20)
#define SPI_CTL_EOF (1<<21)
#define SPI_CTL_RXIGNORE (1<<22)
#define SPI_CTL_LEN(b) (((b)-1)<<24)
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_SSELN(s) (s << 16)
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT (1 << 20)
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOF (1 << 21)
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_RX_IGNORE (1 << 22)
#define SPI_TXDATCTL_FSIZE(s) ((s) << 24)
#define SPI_RXDAT_SOT (1 << 20)
void SPI0_IRQHandler(void);
void SPImasterWriteOnly( uint8_t *WrBuf, uint32_t WrLen );
void SPImasterWriteRead( uint8_t *WrBuf, uint8_t *RdBuf, uint32_t WrLen );
void SPImasterReadOnly( uint8_t *RdBuf, uint32_t RdLen );
#endif /* lpc8xx_SPI_H_ */