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#include "board.h"
// The following parameters need to be defined for each project's inital clock setup (used in system.c))
#define FRO_FREQ_VAL 2 // 0 = 18 MHz
// 1 = 24 MHz (reset value)
// 2 = 30 MHz
#define MAINCLKSEL_VAL 0 // 00 = fro (reset value)
// 01 = external_clk
// 10 = lposc_clk
// 11 = fro_div
#define SYSAHBCLKDIV_VAL 1 // 0x00 = system_ahb_clk disabled (use with caution)
// 0x01 = divide_by_1 (reset value)
// 0x02 = divide_by_2
// 0xFF = divide_by_255
#define CLKIN_CLK_VAL 12000000 // External Clock (CLKIN) frequency [Hz] must be in the range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz
#define EXT_CLOCK_FORCE_ENABLE 0 // Force config. and enable of external_clk for use by other than main_clk
// 0 = external_clk will be configured and enabled only if needed by main_clk or sys_pll0_clk.
// 1 = external_clk will be configured and enabled (available for other, e.g. clock out).
// End of clocks configuration section
// The following parameters need to be defined for projects that use the debug UART (used in serial.c)
#define DBGUART 0 // Choose the index for the debug UART (0 for UART0, 1 for UART1, etc.)
#define DBGBAUDRATE 9600 // Choose the baud rate for the debug UART
#define USE_VCOM_PORT 1 // '1' to use VCOM serial port, '0' to use user-defined port pins for debug UART
#if (USE_VCOM_PORT == 1)
#define DBGTXPIN TARGET_TX // For VCOM serial port (see board.h)
#define DBGRXPIN TARGET_RX // For VCOM serial port (see board.h)
#define DBGTXPIN P0_15 // Use with USB-to-RS232 break-out cable (choose your own favorite TxD pin)
#define DBGRXPIN P0_14 // Use with USB-to-RS232 break-out cable (choose your own favorite RxD pin)
// The following are so the debug UART is selectable from any UART on the device (used in Serial.c)
#define __CONCAT(x,y,z) x##y##z
#define __XCONCAT(x,y,z) __CONCAT(x,y,z)