Q: Why does my xxx_SW_I2C() device not work with my other I2C devices A: SW_I2C emulates I2C with digitalWrite(), which will have a conflict with other I2C devices at the same pins. There are two options: (A) use xxx_HW_I2C() or (B) use different pins with xxx_SW_I2C() Q: The pin names on my display do not fit to the pin names of U8g2. A: Yes, each datasheet/product/controller has different names. There is a mapping table on the wiki for this: https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/u8g2setupcpp#wiring Q: My controller/interface combination is not listed in the examples. A: Yes, the complete list is here: https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/u8g2setupcpp Q: There is an x-offset on my SSD1306 128x64 OLED. A: This is not a SSD1306 OLED, instead use the SH1106 constructor. Q: A T6963 misses columns on the display/has garbled output. A: Ensure that the T6963 operates in 8x8 mode: If the display module has two font select (FSx) pins, connect both to GND If the display module has one font select (FS) pin, connect it to GND Q: My display controller is listed, but the display dimension is not supported. A: Raise an issue in the u8g2 tracker "https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/issues" Q: My controller is not listed, What can I do? A: First check whether this controller is compatible to one of the supported controller: Supported: ST7565, Compatible: NT7534, UC1701, SED1565, S1D15605, S6B0723 Supported: SED1330, Compatible: SED1335, RA8835, S1D3305 Supported: LC7981, Compatible: NT7086, (maybe also: HD61830) This table just reflects my current knowledge. It is not tested and my not be true at all. If your controller for a monochrome display is not listed, you could raise an issue in the u8g2 issue tracker. A more detailed discussion of some controllers is listed in "controller_cmds.txt" Q: What is wrong with connecting Reset (RES) of my display with the Reset of my Arduino Board? A: - Both are inputs. It does not make sense to connect two inputs - Both pins have completly different functions: The reset of your input will reset the Arduino board, the reset of the display will reset the display. Please connect the reset input of the display with a normal GPIO pin of your board. Q: Shell I connect CS (chip select) with the SS output of the Arduino board? AIn general this is required neither for hardware or software SPI. Q: My board has a MOSI and a SCK output. Do i need to connect this to the clock and data pins of my display? A: "Yes" if you want to use hardware SPI (u8g2 constructors ending in _HW_SPI). You can use any pins with the software emulated SPI of u8g2 (constructors ending in _SW_SPI). Howver in general it is better to use hardware SPI to get a better performance of your display.