/* bdf_kern.c */ #include "bdf_font.h" #include #define BDF_KERNING_MAX (1024*32) /* the following tables contain the first encodings if they do contain any kernings */ uint16_t bdf_first_table_cnt; uint16_t bdf_first_encoding_table[BDF_KERNING_MAX]; uint16_t bdf_index_to_second_table[BDF_KERNING_MAX]; /* the index from bdf_index_to_second_table can be used to jump into the following table */ uint16_t bdf_second_table_cnt; uint16_t bdf_second_encoding_table[BDF_KERNING_MAX]; uint8_t bdf_kerning_values[BDF_KERNING_MAX]; /* struct u8g2_kerning { uint16_t first_table_cnt; uint16_t second_table_cnt; uint16_t *first_encoding_table; uint16_t *index_to_second_table; uin16_t *second_encoding_table; uint8_t *kerning_values; } */ static void bdf_write_uint16_array(FILE *fp, const char *pre, const char *post, uint16_t cnt, const uint16_t *a) { uint16_t i; fprintf(fp, "static const uint16_t %s_%s[%u] = {\n ", pre, post, cnt); for( i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { fprintf(fp, "%u", a[i]); if ( i+1 < cnt ) { fprintf(fp, ", "); if ( i % 16 == 0 && i > 0 ) { fprintf(fp, "\n "); } } } fprintf(fp, "};\n"); } static void bdf_write_uint8_array(FILE *fp, const char *pre, const char *post, uint16_t cnt, const uint8_t *a) { uint16_t i; fprintf(fp, "static const uint8_t %s_%s[%u] = {\n ", pre, post, cnt); for( i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { fprintf(fp, "%u", a[i]); if ( i+1 < cnt ) { fprintf(fp, ", "); if ( i % 16 == 0 && i > 0 ) { fprintf(fp, "\n "); } } } fprintf(fp, "};\n"); } void bdf_write_kerning_file(const char *kernfile, const char *name) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(kernfile, "w"); fprintf(fp, "/* %s, Size: %u Bytes */\n", name, bdf_first_table_cnt*4 + bdf_second_table_cnt*3 + 4 + 8); // size calculation for 16 bit controller bdf_write_uint16_array(fp, name, "first_encoding_table", bdf_first_table_cnt, bdf_first_encoding_table); bdf_write_uint16_array(fp, name, "index_to_second_table", bdf_first_table_cnt, bdf_index_to_second_table); bdf_write_uint16_array(fp, name, "second_encoding_table", bdf_second_table_cnt, bdf_second_encoding_table); bdf_write_uint8_array(fp, name, "kerning_values", bdf_second_table_cnt, bdf_kerning_values); fprintf(fp, "u8g2_kerning_t %s_k = {\n", name); fprintf(fp, " %u, %u,\n", bdf_first_table_cnt, bdf_second_table_cnt); fprintf(fp, " %s_%s,\n", name, "first_encoding_table"); fprintf(fp, " %s_%s,\n", name, "index_to_second_table"); fprintf(fp, " %s_%s,\n", name, "second_encoding_table"); fprintf(fp, " %s_%s};\n\n", name, "kerning_values"); fclose(fp); } /* assumes tga_set_font(font); and tga_init((tga_get_char_width()+16)*3, ((tga_get_char_height()+8)*2)); is called before */ static int bdf_is_glyph_overlap(uint8_t *font, uint16_t e1, uint16_t e2, uint8_t kerning_test, int is_save) { unsigned int x, y; tga_clear(); x = 8; y = tga_get_char_height(); x += tga_draw_glyph(x, y, e1, 0); x -= kerning_test; tga_clear_pixel_intersection(); x += tga_draw_glyph(x, y, e2, 0); if ( is_save ) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "glyph_intersection_%u_%u_%u.tga", e1, e2, kerning_test); tga_save(buf); } return tga_is_pixel_intersection(); } unsigned bdf_calculate_kerning(uint8_t *font, uint16_t e1, uint16_t e2, uint8_t min_distance_in_per_cent_of_char_width) { uint8_t upper_bound; uint8_t kerning; uint8_t min_distance_in_pixel; tga_set_font(font); tga_init((tga_get_char_width()+16)*3, ((tga_get_char_height()+8)*2)); min_distance_in_pixel = ((unsigned)tga_get_char_width()*(unsigned)min_distance_in_per_cent_of_char_width) / 100; upper_bound = tga_get_char_width(); for( kerning = 0; kerning < upper_bound; kerning++ ) { if ( bdf_is_glyph_overlap(font, e1, e2, kerning, 0) != 0 ) break; } if ( kerning >= upper_bound ) kerning = 0; /* maybe "." compared against "-" */ if ( kerning < min_distance_in_pixel ) kerning = 0; else kerning -= min_distance_in_pixel; if ( kerning != 0 ) { bdf_is_glyph_overlap(font, e1, e2, kerning, 1); //printf("bdf_calculate_kerning %u %u ", e1, e2); //printf("result: %d\n", kerning); } return kerning; } void bdf_calculate_all_kerning(bf_t *bf, const char *filename, const char *fontname, uint8_t min_distance_in_per_cent_of_char_width) { int first, second; bg_t *bg_first; bg_t *bg_second; uint8_t kerning; int is_first_encoding_added; bdf_first_table_cnt = 0; bdf_second_table_cnt = 0; for( first= 0; first < bf->glyph_cnt; first++ ) { is_first_encoding_added = 0; bg_first = bf->glyph_list[first]; if ( bg_first->target_data != NULL && bg_first->is_excluded_from_kerning == 0 ) { for( second= 0; second < bf->glyph_cnt; second++ ) { bg_second = bf->glyph_list[second]; if ( bg_second->target_data != NULL && bg_second->is_excluded_from_kerning == 0 ) { kerning = bdf_calculate_kerning(bf->target_data, bg_first->encoding, bg_second->encoding, min_distance_in_per_cent_of_char_width); if ( kerning > 0 ) { if ( is_first_encoding_added == 0 ) { bdf_first_encoding_table[bdf_first_table_cnt] = bg_first->encoding; bdf_index_to_second_table[bdf_first_table_cnt] = bdf_second_table_cnt; bdf_first_table_cnt++; assert(bdf_first_table_cnt< BDF_KERNING_MAX); is_first_encoding_added = 1; } bdf_second_encoding_table[bdf_second_table_cnt] = bg_second->encoding; bdf_kerning_values[bdf_second_table_cnt] = kerning; bdf_second_table_cnt++; assert(bdf_second_table_cnt< BDF_KERNING_MAX); } } } } } /* add a final entry for more easier calculation in u8g2 */ bdf_first_encoding_table[bdf_first_table_cnt] = 0x0ffff; bdf_index_to_second_table[bdf_first_table_cnt] = bdf_second_table_cnt; bdf_first_table_cnt++; bdf_write_kerning_file(filename, fontname); }